基調講演:3月6日(木)11:00~12:00 会場:5C216
登壇者: 會田 宏(筑波大学)
コーディネーター :苅山 靖(山梨学院大学)
2013年~ 筑波大学体育系教授
2023年〜 日本コーチング学会理事長
- 競技スポーツにおけるコーチング・トレーニングの将来展望-実践と研究の場における知と技の好循環を求めて(2021)筑波大学出版会.編著.
- 球技のコーチング学(2019)大修館書店.編著.
- 体育・スポーツ分野における実践研究の考え方と論文の書き方(2018)市村出版.共著.
- コーチング学への招待(2017)大修館書店.共著.
海外招聘特別講演:3月6日(木)14:40~15:40 会場:5C216
Current Approaches to Human Performance Research
: The Potential of Coaching with Artificial intelligence
講演者 :Michael E. Hahn, PhD(Director: Bowerman Sports Science Center at University of Oregon)
コーディネーター :榎本靖士(筑波大学)
Application of Biomechanics and Physiology Research to Sports Coaching
Sports science often requires pursuit of research questions in the fields of biomechanics and applied physiology. Typically, these questions have been addressed using carefully controlled experiments taking place within the confines of the laboratory, where measures can be taken with the greatest accuracy. However, sport takes place in relatively unconstrained settings, not within the laboratory. With recent improvements in wearable sensor technology, and increased use of machine learning, advances are being made in the translation of lab-based protocols into practical, real-world settings. These advances are accelerating the application of research findings into on-field assessment of injury risk and optimization of performance during training. Additionally, the application of these tools in athletic medicine can help fine tune return to sport protocols after an athlete experiences injury. Lastly, integration of these tools, combined with collaborative industry partnerships is allowing rapid prototyping and validation of novel sport equipment designed to optimize the balance between injury prevention and performance enhancement. In this keynote, Dr. Hahn will present examples of translational work in running mechanics and soccer cleat design, as well as future projects involving collaboration between applied physiologists, biomechanists, and industry partners.
Dr. Michael E. Hahn
Professor in Department of Human Physiology Director of the Bowerman Sports Science Center Associate Director of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon
Dr. Michael Hahn joined the Department of Human Physiology in 2012, after having spent four years as a research scientist at the VA Puget Sound in Seattle and five years as a faculty member at Montana State University in Bozeman. He received a B.S. from Colorado Mesa University in 1996, an M.S. from Iowa State University in 2000, and a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in 2003. Between graduate degrees, he worked at the Mayo Clinic in the Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory, specializing in hand and wrist joint function after injury and joint replacement. His research interests have ranged from prevention of falls, to utilization of computational analysis tools (such as artificial neural networks, support vector machines, and genetic algorithms) for solving complex modeling and optimization tasks. His current research focus includes injury risk reduction and performance management during sport, with applications in running mechanics and soccer cleat design.
Jin, L., & Hahn, M. E. (2024). Lower Extremity Joint Kinetics during Walk-to-Run and Run-to-Walk Transitions. Biomechanics, 4(2), 246-258.
Donahue, S. R., & Hahn, M. E. (2023). Estimation of gait events and kinetic waveforms with wearable sensors and machine learning when running in an unconstrained environment. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 2339.
Donahue, S. R., & Hahn, M. E. (2023). Estimation of ground reaction force waveforms during fixed pace running outside the laboratory. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, 974186.
Donahue, S. R., & Hahn, M. E. (2022). Validation of running gait event detection algorithms in a semi-uncontrolled environment. Sensors, 22(9), 3452.
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